4 min

10 everyday actions to preserve the planet

Image presenting the article 10 everyday actions to preserve the planet

Global warming affects us all. And we have a duty, in order to curb it, to adopt responsible reflexes. But how can we take care of the planet at our level? Here are the 10 everyday actions to preserve the planet!

Having a job with a positive impact is also a way to help the environment!

Unplug unused outlets

Many devices consume energy without us even realizing it. How? By staying connected. Indeed, these electronic devices often have a " standby" that we don't pay attention to: they therefore stay on and consume a lot of electricity unnecessarily. The first step to saving the planet is to always unplug plugs if nothing is charging/using and make sure your devices are actually turned off and not just on standby !

Turn off the faucet

When showering, shaving, washing your hands, brushing your teeth or doing the dishes, turn off the faucet ! If the water keeps flowing when you're not actively using it, it's a huge waste that can be easily avoided. It is also possible, in certain situations, to reuse water! For example, you could use the water to wash vegetables and water the garden with it. So, if you don't want to waste liters of water a day, turn off the tap and/or, if that's not possible, save the water for another occasion!

Opt for public transport/cycling/walking

The car is very practical in everyday life. It is also very polluting on a daily basis (especially if it is one car per person). How can this problem be overcome? By using public transport ! They are much more environmentally friendly than the car : for longer distances, it is better to use them! But for shorter trips, cycling is still one of the best alternatives. And, for the bravest, don't hesitate to walk to your destination.

Do not throw anything on the ground

It's the easiest (and effortless) way to preserve the planet. All you have to do is wait until you find a garbage can to dispose of your garbage. Otherwise, the objects will never be recycled (some take years to disappear, such as plastic bottles or cigarettes). If there is no garbage can nearby, take a bag (not plastic!) with you to carry the garbage until you find a garbage can, otherwise just keep it in hand for as long as it takes (although it can be a pain, it's still better than polluting).

Buy second-hand/refurbished items

One of the gestures to preserve the planet is to give new life to objects in order to curb overproduction and overconsumption. Opt for short circuits (local second-hand stores) and refurbished products (e.g. for appliances, in order to avoid electronic waste). You can also rent or borrow items instead of buying them ! Sharing is a notion that is being lost, whereas it would be quite possible to borrow, for example, a screwdriver or something else from a neighbor/friend/colleague/etc.

Reuse Scrap Sheets

Whether it's to write down the shopping list, gifts to buy for birthdays or just an idea that pops into your head, don't use new sheets every time ! This is a huge mess that could very easily be avoided. Try to use the entire surface of your scrap sheet, so you use as little paper as possible. Especially since no one will check what's on your draft: you're the only one to see it! Take a new blank sheet only if you don't have any other one already used.

Promoting local food

Local food has several advantages. First, it's a simple way to fight global warming. Indeed, rather than encouraging the importation of food products (fruits, vegetables, etc.), it is much more ethical to buy from local producers. This encourages short supply chains and prevents the release of CO² from trucks. Secondly, it's much better for your health! Consuming seasonal and local products means choosing to eat fresh foods that often contain more vitamins than imported products (the latter lose them during the journey).

Avoiding the plane

Flying is probably the most polluting means of transport there is. For longer journeys, try to travel by train and not by plane as much as possible. Indeed, per passenger, an aircraft produces between 145 and 241 kg of CO² (a significant amount). Planes release several liters of kerosene per minute, especially during takeoff. Travelling differently means choosing to actively fight climate change.

Sort waste daily

Now that's a good habit to adopt! Before throwing away your rubbish (which you have of course kept in your hands, without leaving it on the ground), remember to sort it! Always check the colours to conscientiously dispose of your various products and materials: glass, batteries, plastic, cardboard, cups, etc. Once sorted correctly, the object in question will be recycled, i.e. reused in other ways. For example, it is possible to create new bottles with the sorted glass. It is also possible to make cardboard boxes with the discarded paper. In this way, natural resources are saved !

Buying ethical products

Overconsumption is a scourge for the planet. Beyond buying second-hand, if you want to buy something new, favor companies that respect the environment, that participate in sustainable development. One of the daily actions to preserve the planet is to spend your money on products that are worthwhile. Some apps also provide insight into companies' manufacturing policies and processes. For example, for clothing, Clear Fashion lets you know if the garment you want to buy has been ethically made or not. The same goes for food products: BuyOrNot, etc.


All of these gestures are simple and the majority require no effort or money. Take the time to rethink your habits in order to adopt these 10 daily actions to preserve the planet. We're worth it!

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