2 min

Allowing animals at work: an idea that is anything but stupid

Image presenting the article Allowing animals at work: an idea that is anything but stupid

Have you ever had canine and feline colleagues? A growing number of companies are allowing pets in the office. Indeed, the quality of life at work has become a major concern for companies and pets could well help promote the well-being of employees. What are the pros and cons of animals at work ? We'll tell you all about it!

Benefits of Animals at Work

There are many benefits to having animals in the workplace. In fact, according to a study by John McDermott, employees who bring their dogs to work have lower stress levels and report higher levels of job satisfaction. What's more, the benefits go far beyond just reducing stress. Canine owners who were allowed to bring their dogs to work reported high organizational support and a sense that the employer cares about their personal and professional development.

In addition, a study by the NIH (National Institute of Health) shows an improvement in work performance. This same study reports a positive effect on social interactions between employees. The report suggests that pets also improvethe social atmosphere at work. Different reasons for employers to accept pets at work!

Disadvantages of Animals at Work

While pets at work have many benefits, their presence can also present several dangers and risks. Some of these hazards and risks are related to health problems. In fact, it is estimated that 15-30% of allergy sufferers have allergic reactions to dogs and cats. Allergic reactions to dogs vary in intensity, and common symptoms include swelling and itching of the membranes that line the eyes and nose, breathing problems, and a rash on the face, neck, or chest. Therefore, the threat of allergic reactions to the presence of a dog in the workplace is a real concern for employers. Commonly used methods to get around this problem are assessing existing allergies, limiting animal exposures, air purifiers with high-efficiency particulate filters, and finally pet-free spaces.

And allergies aren't the only danger pets pose at work. These can carry diseases and pose a high risk of bites. Finally, some employees may be afraid, anxious, or even phobic of dogs. It is estimated that 3-7% of the population suffers from animal-specific phobias.

What to do before allowing pets in the office?

Allowing pets at work is not a decision to be taken lightly! First, ask the owner of your premises. Some prohibit pets. Next, ask your employees for their opinions. If one of them is allergic, it may not be the best idea, although it is possible to make arrangements for it, as explained above. Finally, we advise you to notify job candidates. By directly warning potential newcomers, you reduce the risk of difficulty.

And there you have it, you have all the keys in hand to set up a policy allowing animals at work! Finally, if you are looking for a job, and you would like to work with a furry friend, we advise you to take a look at Babyboom's job offers. Indeed, you will have the chance to work with Plume, the team's mascot, whom you will be able to pamper between two naps!

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