How do you write a resignation letter?

Do you no longer like your job? Do you want to resign? Don't waste any time, inform your current employer immediately so that your notice period starts running ! However, be careful, a simple discussion is not enough. Your resignation must be given in writing, in the form of a letter for example, in order to be legally valid. In this article, you will find all our advice on how to make a successful letter of resignation for a fixed-term or permanent contract !
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The content of the resignation letter
Keep your resignation letter short. Indeed, there is no need here to explain the reasons for your departure because you will certainly have already done so beforehand during a discussion with your boss. There's also no need to talk about your new projects. When it comes to the tone of your letter, it can vary depending on the context.
If your employment was short-lived, you can opt for a simple, formal letter by adopting a neutral tone.
If, on the other hand, your seniority allows you to do so or your experience within the company was particularly good, you are free to use a more personal and warm tone. You can then specify that you enjoyed working at this company and that you are willing to work together to, for example, train your successor.
Does your boss or the company inspire you with resentment ? Resist the temptation to empty your bag by writing your letter! This would be real malpractice and could backfire. Indeed, the letter of resignation should only be used to announce your resignation, and not to display all your resentment towards your superior.
Mandatory information in a resignation letter
In your cover letter, the following elements must be present :
your name and address
the date you deliver the letter
the address of the company
your wish to resign and terminate the employment contract
the date on which the notice period begins
the length of the notice period set by law
Your signature
Some Resignation Letter Templates
Sample 1 : Formal Resignation Letter
[Your first and last name][Name and surname of recipient]
[Your address][Recipient's address]
[Your city][City of recipient]
[City where letter was written], the [Date]
Subject : Letter of Resignation
Dear Madam/Mr. X,
I hereby inform you of my decision to resign from my [Job title] position since [Contract start date] with [Company name].
Given the notice period of X weeks/month provided for in my contract, which will start on [Start date of notice period], my effective departure from the company will take place on [Departure date].
I would therefore be grateful if you would prepare the balance of my account as well as my certificate of employment for this date.
Please accept, Madam/Sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.
[Last name First name]
Sample 2 : Informal resignation letter
[Your first and last name][Name and surname of recipient]
[Your address][Recipient's address]
[Your city] [City of recipient]
[City where letter was written], the [Date]
Subject : Letter of Resignation
Dear Madam/Mr. X,
I hereby inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [Job title] which I have held since [Contract start date] within [Company name].
Given the notice period of X weeks/month provided for in my contract, which will start on [Start date of notice period], my effective departure from the company will take place on [Departure date].
I would also like to express my gratitude for the opportunities that have been given to me with this position as well as for all the skills that I have been able to acquire and which will certainly be of great help to me for my future projects.
Likewise, I would like to thank you for your support throughout my professional development. I have genuinely enjoyed working with you and the rest of the team.
Until I leave, I will of course carry out my work with all the professionalism that is required and I am also willing to train my successor so that this transition period runs as smoothly as possible.
I beg you to believe, dear Madam/dear Mr. X, in the expression of my best feelings.
[Last name First name]
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