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Impact at Too Good To Go

Image presenting the article Impact at Too Good To Go

You certainly know Too Good To Go, the application that allows you to save the unsold food of your favorite brands from a sad fate... But have you ever wondered what the real impact of this anti-waste gesture is? How is it measured? How does the brand position itself in terms of social and environmental impact? We explain everything below! 

The impact so far (impact already achieved)

As we know, food that is unnecessarily thrown away is responsible for a considerable waste of resources: agricultural land, water, fertilizer and fuel. According to estimates by the United Nations Environment Programme, 30% of the world's agricultural land use and 21% of the world's freshwater use are lost each year due to food waste... So, at Too Good To Go, they have made it their mission to inspire and give the keys to everyone – professionals and consumers alike – to reduce food waste together.

At Too Good To Go, saving 1kg of food means avoiding 2.7kg of CO2 emissions, preserving 2.8 m² of farmland used per year and saving 810 litres of water ! A concrete and measurable impact that the organization is also committed to applying within its daily business life: thanks to its collaboration with Plan A (an organization specializing in corporate carbon accounting, decarbonization and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting), To Good To Go keeps an eye on its carbon footprint thanks to a well-established strategy, allowing it to reduce its emissions in the short, medium and long term!

On the social level, Too Good To Go is not to be outdone and is very attentive to the well-being of its employees. Any examples? In 2021, maternity leave was extended by an additional 4 weeks of paid leave, and thus completed the 15 weeks of maternity leave paid by the mutual insurance company, so that their employees could have a guaranteed salary of 100% during their absence. Co-parents also benefit from an additional 4 weeks of paid payment. The following year, an ethics charter and employee resource groups were put in place, ensuring fair incomes for all and thus reducing pay inequality! 

But that's not all! Since 2021, a volunteer program (Shareback) for employees has been in place. A real success because, in 2023, no less than 417 employees participated in the Shareback program, accumulating 2,800 hours of volunteering dedicated to associations fighting food insecurity on a global scale! Giving your time for useful and supportive actions, we love it, don't we!?   

Commitments (short and medium term) and impact-related projects at Too Good To Go

As we know, if we want to ensure a viable future for the next generations, everyone must do their part of the hummingbird on a daily basis... This is the case at Too Good To Go, which makes it a point of honor to do its best, even within their offices. Sorting, zero-waste beverage vending machine (Dripl), vegetarian/vegan food at team events, no company cars and promotion of public and shared transport (bicycles, cars)... All these notable actions are a significant extra! 

As far as well-being at work is concerned, Too Good To Go has thought of several elements to pamper its employees : a meeting room that can be used as a nap room, a bar, several cozy spaces with sofas, a ping pong table, a nice garden, adjustable tables and an amphitheater (called Pearl Jamphitheatre) for great team meetings... No doubt other initiatives will be added later!  The company also offers hospitalisation insurance (Alan) which offers interactive services to employees, such as access to chat sessions/conversations with health professionals or health and well-being coaching sessions if needed. Preventive measures and support to make you feel good in your shoes in all circumstances! 

Do you also want to get your hands dirty and participate in the fight against waste around the world? Find the profile, as well as their job offers, here: Too Good To Go - Recruitment - Job offers that make sense - Meet My Job (meet-my-job.com) !