The 8 pros and cons of remote work

At the beginning of 2020, when Covid appeared and disrupted our habits, companies had to resort to new means to compensate for the absence of employees in the field. That's when working from home became part of our daily lives. Still used today, telecommuting is becoming popular, especially among 25-35 year olds. Here are the 8 pros and cons of working from home!
Working from home has brought many benefits since its grand introduction in 2020. What are they?
Personal space
The first advantage you can think of when talking about telecommuting is the layout of your personal space. Since 2020, the dream of being able to work while staying in bed has become possible! No more uncomfortable office chairs, poorly laid out desks, rooms where it's too cold or too hot, colleagues you don't like too much, constant noise. Working remotely means having your own workspace, which you can decorate as you wish. Whether you like to work on your couch while watching a movie, in bed with some music, or on a desk, you work in your little cocoon, and that boosts performance.
More time for yourself
Secondly, there is the time factor. Have you ever been stuck in traffic during rush hour? You then arrive at work sweaty, potentially with a lump in your stomach for fear of being lectured by your manager/boss. Well, that's all over with telecommuting!
Since you're working from home, there's no need to stress about transportation (when will the bus arrive? There's a strike, how am I going to do it?) or for traffic on the road. Here, the only place you have to go is... home. Truth be told, you can even wake up ten minutes before the start of the day, as long as you're on time and doing your job, you're fine! This helps reduce daily stress and get a little more sleep (no one says no to a little more sleep).
In addition, working from home allows you to spend more time with your family and hobbies. You can spend your lunch breaks with your loved ones, ask for their help if needed, and help them immediately if they need it. This creates a better environment for the employee, who will then be more, because he is more at work.
The organization
Another advantage is a better organization of your time. Since you are at home, and you save time on your day (because there are no commutes, etc.), it is possible for you to organize your time as it suits you. In the context of telework, the employee is in control of his or her time and space. It's up to you to organize your tasks as you see fit. As long as these are completed on time, you can afford to be flexible!
Independence and autonomy
Finally, independence and autonomy are two major advantages of teleworking.
The employee may be granted geographic independence. In reality, you only depend on your own household. In some cases, you don't even need to live in the country where the company is located !
In addition, telecommuting increases the employee's autonomy. This is because there is much less surveillance during the day. As a result, the employee can prove that he/she is self-sufficient and can do very well at home. You set up your work plan and stick to it. In addition, you can bring out your committed side: show your initiatives, your organizational skills, your sense of priorities... You are in control of the situation! Manage yourself the way you want, in your own way and at your own pace.
But working from home also has some disadvantages that should not be forgotten.
The biggest disadvantage of working from home is, of course, loneliness. Staying confined to your home for several hours a day is not ideal for forming friendships with colleagues. Working on your computer alone, at home, without having any social interaction with other people... This can increase the lack of interest in work, and the lack of self-confidence. We all need a minimum of discussion and contact with others, whether it's colleagues, the manager or whatever. The teleworking employee can therefore quickly feel excluded and isolated if he/she is not careful beforehand.
To remedy this : don't hesitate to organize online meetings with your colleagues ! So that we can talk to them, to help each other. Why not call them during the lunch break, so we can eat together? You can also maintain your relationships with your colleagues by going to see them after work, for a drink, to share a meal, or whatever.
It's no secret that when you're working from home, you're likely to be distracted by people/objects around you. This is one of the challenges of remote work: staying focused on the task during the hours of work at hand. Telecommuting requires rigor, as the employee does not have a manager or direct supervision.
In these moments, it is imperative to impose a schedule and a pace of work on yourself, at the risk of being undisciplined and losing your motivation/interest. Stick to your schedule so you can stay and continue to perform at your best, while enjoying the benefits of remote work.
A bad boundary between private and professional life
If the employee is not careful enough, there is a risk that private life will merge with professional life. As a result, the employee can work more hours than necessary, check their email inbox during meals, do quick research for work on weekends, etc., all because there is no good separation between work and private life, a clear boundary that divides the two. As your roof becomes your workplace, it's hard to know when to stop!
Care must be taken to set up a specific space dedicated to professional activity. When you're there, you're 100% in work mode. When you go out, you leave work behind and focus on your passions/family, etc.
A need for equipment
Finally, depending on your work and its objectives, you may not have equipment adapted to your professional activity. Working on your small computer from years ago, without the software you need, all with a not-so-comfortable office chair, is not ideal! Telecommuting can lead to additional costs if there is a lack of required and adequate equipment.
What should I do? Contact your manager/boss and make sure you agree on a possible telecommuting bonus (which would allow you to buy everything you need). If not, ask for the requested equipment to be sent to you (monitors, keyboards, access to certain paid software, etc.)!
Whether you like it or not, telecommuting is a way of working like any other and it has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. This is a way to modernize many professions!
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