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Making your employer brand attractive: our advice

Image presenting the article Making your employer brand attractive: our advice

In the jungle of recruitment, it is admitted that doing well is not easy. In fact, new companies are being created every day and the ever-increasing number of job offers are becoming more and more attractive. Faced with this, a multitude of talents who no longer know where to turn... To counter this trend and allow your employer brand to stand out, here are Meet My Job's tips.

The Transparency Map

At Meet My Job, this is one of our core values. Indeed, it would not be appropriate to create a page for your employer brand without paying strong attention to the transparency of your company. Ideally, talent should find answers to all their questions when they inquire about your company. According to studies (Manpower and Stepstone), virtually all candidates consult the available information about a company during their search. Of those, 67% say they can't find enough content... We need to change the situation, it's essential for several reasons.

Firstly, the talents who apply to join your organisation will already be aware of your company culture, a typical day at your office, etc. No waste of time because the candidates who ask for your attention will be those who show a real desire to join your company. It is with all the cards in hand that they will make the decision to apply. So don't hesitate because even the smallest details can be relevant, trust us.

Secondly, once all this information is in hand, talent will have the opportunity to have a candid view of your company. No unpleasant surprises or disappointments. Indeed, by already having the impression of having a foot in your structure, talents will be more inclined to project themselves in the long term. This helps avoid hiring mistakes and employees throwing in the towel a few months after onboarding. In fact, we make it a point of honour to thrive at work and advocate for a world where professional fulfillment is the norm. To do this, sending an honest image to your potential future employees is the first step.

The world of work

No two workspaces are the same. Each office has something unique, a special atmosphere or a relaxation area that is worth a visit. To best transcribe this unique universe, we advise you to highlight your premises through photos that will serve as a virtual open day. In this way, immersion is guaranteed and your future employee already feels like they are at home. At Meet My Job, all our partners benefit from a personalized photo shoot in order to highlight quality photos on the platform: photos of the team, offices, relaxation areas, group activities, etc. This contributes enormously to strengthening your employer brand, which reduces turnover by 28% (according to Eda Gultekin).

This famous detail of the employer brand

We're sure you have one (or even several). For us, it's the little things that can tip the scales. In other words, if you notice a specificity in relation to your structure, it is most likely a strength that should be highlighted. Obviously, this can take different forms: a rather young average age, a relaxed policy, training offered to employees, the possibility of teleworking... All these aspects are not negligible and contribute to making your employer brand even more attractive. On our platform, we reserve a space dedicated to those details that make the difference.

The importance of being attractive for an employer brand

We can see that the world of work very rarely rhymes with "positive impact"... But in 2022, it is essential to change this deleterious trend.

In Belgium, nine out of ten people want to work for a company with a positive impact. This astonishing observation may be perplexing, but it is actually a good omen. All these talents are looking for opportunities in this sector, hence the importance of developing and investing in CSR, as a company. Talent is looking for jobs, but it's up to you to put in place the sustainable initiatives that are highly sought-after and, above all, crucial in our time. At Meet My Job, we are also leading this fight: to highlight companies with a positive impact and help them find their new talent.

To do this, we make it a point of honour to only highlight companies with a positive impact, in accordance with our internal charter.


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