Image presenting the company Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen

Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen

Changing the world through food

  • Healthy Eating, Responsible consumption
  • Province of Walloon Brabant
  • Scale-up

Project description

Alter you, kezako? It is in the centre of Louvain-la-Neuve that this cooperative is located, which took the form of a citizen café-restaurant 15 years ago! This alternative and pioneering place offers its customers organic and sustainable food, its employees legal and respectful working conditions (100% declared, no reduced hours,...) and the company a place for exchange and awareness on current issues. A winning combo for everyone! 🌍✨

The project defends and promotes, through a responsible and creative approach, the values of humanism and ecology in a civic perspective of ecological and solidarity transition. Today, Altérez-Vous is rich in several renowned labels such as Table de terroir, the Incidence trophy, Belgium Fairtrade, Ethiquettable... A flourishing success where the premises of a world more respectful of the Living are germinating! 

On the table, Altérez-vous offers tasty catering from local, homemade, organic, seasonal and fair trade products. From classic dishes to creative suggestions, awakening the taste buds guaranteed! In addition, their entire catering offer is zero waste and 70% of their dishes are vegetarian. 🌱 One more proof that working for tomorrow from your plate is indeed possible!


We are looking for a (super) cooperator manager with inspiring and unifying leadership for a top team, passionate about hospitality and catering and with real management talents (of course) to sustain our business (and moreover make people's lives tastier, healthier, sustainable, filled with meaning and joy!) 🌞

Why this project?

  • Wide range

  • A wide variety of activities

  • The opportunity to have a real impact on the project

  • Solid figures

  • A project that makes sense +++

  • A co-op and a non-profit organisation at the service of the project 🧡

  • An innovative brand known in LLN and in the world of social economy

Commitments to a sustainable world

  • Altérez-Vous encourages awareness with workshops, documentary brunches, conferences and film debates, thus actively participating in the construction of a community more aware of the challenges of tomorrow!

  • Tasty catering made from local, homemade, organic, seasonal and fair 🍎🍊🥦 trade products

  • Today, Altérez-Vous is: 10 nationalities, 17 employees and 220 cooperators! The + that warms the heart? Since 2009, more than 20 migrants have been able to legalise their stay in Europe, thanks to their passage through the Altérez-Vous. Inclusion in abundance and humanity, what more could you ask for?

  • For the record, the founders of Altérez-Vous were taken for great dreamers when they fought to impose an organic, ethical and local restaurant on a university campus. Today, 15 years later, the Altérez-Vous has become a place of reference that unites consciences!

  • L'Altérez-Vous has always made it a point of honour to be part of the city through the values of humanism, transparency and honesty. Paying taxes, helping the most vulnerable and truly respecting their partners: a reality without taboos!

About the Founder

Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - Meet My Job

Sorina Ciucu


Guided by ecological and solidarity values but also humanistic values, I naturally turned to social entrepreneurship. In 2009, I co-created this wonderful project with five other friends (Pat, JF, Emma, Noelle and Freddy), as well as with a dozen motivated and committed cooperators. Today, Altérez-Vous has more than 200 cooperators and it is a place to raise awareness of the ecological transition but also an essential café-restaurant in LLN. Enthusiastic and energetic by nature, I have been involved in many projects in which I have been very invested.

Inspired by: I have so many!
Dreamed superpower: Peace in the world
Passion: A just and sustainable world
Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - image n°1 - Meet My Job
Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - image n°2 - Meet My Job
Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - image n°3 - Meet My Job
Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - image n°4 - Meet My Job
Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - image n°5 - Meet My Job
Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - image n°6 - Meet My Job
Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - image n°7 - Meet My Job
Altérez-Vous - Café-Resto Citoyen - image n°8 - Meet My Job
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